Open Letter To Obama Campaign, DNC:

June 13, 2008

Dear David Plouff:

Campaign Manager
Obama for America


With all due reverence and respect, there is no way in hell that I will ever, ever, ever support Barack Obama.  It was an over-hyped demagogue that stole an election in 2000 and in a few short years sent this country and this economy into a tailspin.


I do not agree with the decision of the RBC and May 31, 2008 will live in my memory for as long as Florida in 2000 remains in my memory.  It is also a date that will live in infamy as the day that a “smoke-filled back room” came out into the light the era that is youtube and called it democracy.


Barack’s questionable associations, his underhanded tactics to run unopposed in Illinois, his lack of experience, his voting record, his outright lie in ‘04 about not running in ’08, and his tactics of fear are alarming to say the least (Supreme Court! Supreme Court! Supreme Court! Healthcare for some! Global Warming! Etc. etc.).


Further, Roe vs. Wade is a Supreme Court decision that withstood the Republican administrations of, Richard M. Nixon, Gerald H. Ford, Ronald W. Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush, so that argument is a non-starter. The National Organization of Women and Planned Parenthood simply wouldn’t let that be overturned.


The level of misogyny in this campaign by the Main-Stream Media and your candidate is appalling. I have a long list of offences, if you’d like me to send them. It would infuriate me to have my mom called some of the atrocious, viscous, belittling names that HRC has been called just because she is a fighter. Likewise, I am infuriated that any woman, especially a presidential candidate would be treated in such an insulting manner. 


This is NOT an issue of race; it is an issue of sexism, misogyny, discrimination and defamation. How would you feel if your wife were called the C-word, the B-word and a power grubbing W-word or to be called “Annie Oakley-carrying a six shooter”? As well as people wishing she were dead and said she had no validity as a candidate because she got there only because her husband screwed around on her.


Barack Obama does not have one policy or a speech that he has not plagiarized from someone else. When truly pressed he can’t expand on any of his policy positions, his lackeys have to address them in a press release later to say: Sen. Obama meant to say this…  This is not a quality I want in a president. 


I do not want The Democratic Party to be hi-hacked by the left wing nut jobs of the Socialist Party, in the same way the Religious Right hi-jacked the Republican Party. The grass-roots effort that put Obama where he is, are those who smoke grass and drink roots in their tea. If that is the New Democratic Party, I want no part of it! In the words of HRC “…that’s not Change you can believe in, that’s Change you can Xerox!”


I do not believe in Barack Obama’s ethno-baiting: the idea that if you speak out, you are in someway being disrespectful of another’s race, gender or ethnicity.  We are all Americans united under one constitution and one banner, the American Flag. We are united under that flag; and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, with liberty and justice for all!


I believe in the constitution, and I believe in your right to speak whatever you believe; no matter how offensive.  I also believe that same constitution gives me the right to speak my mind, as loud as I can, regardless if it offends the uber-sensitive Barack Obama.  Our forefathers fought to defend that rightI will fight to defend that right.


As offensive Rev. Wright, Rev. Moss, and Fr. Pfleger’s remarks are; they have a constitutional right to say them.  As I have the right to believe that Barack Obama not only believes them but, ascribes to them.


As far as your assertion that Democrats should blindly follow the nominee; this reveals your fundamental lack of understanding of the history of the Democratic Party.  The examples of Mondale, Dukakis, and Kerry come to mind. 


LA elected an Indian-American, Republican, with a message of change from the politics of the past, and that Republicans and Democrats can work together for a brighter future. Bobby Jindhal ran against 3 Democrats and never slung an ounce of mud at anyone! 


Jindhal’s campaign slogan was “We can change! We must change! We will change!”  Gov. Jindhal is fulfilling his campaign promises and has garnered national attention for his efforts.  But, Barack Obama, is NOT a Democratic version of Bobby Jindal. Running against a woman in his first race for governor, and he was never once misogynistic, mean or spiteful!  He lost. But won in the end, women admire him and voted overwhelmingly for him in his 2nd race for governor.


I am a real Democrat; it is a Louisiana tradition dating back to the times when you could not vote in a primary if you were not a registered Democrat.  This tactic was eventually discarded, the tradition remained.

I am a real Democrat; because I truly believe in the values of the Democratic Party, and the values on which this country was founded. But, I am a Christian, Patriotic American, bi-racial, gay, Democrat.  My faith is first; my country is second, party affiliation falls fifth in my priorities.   Many others would say that they are Americans first and Democrats second.

Respectfully, I ask that we agree to disagree. Further, I ask that you not to denigrate me for my belief that Hillary Clinton would be a better president.  I also respectfully ask that Sen. Obama issue a memo to his staff, his bloggers, and his surrogates that they stop kicking Sen. Clinton, Pres. Clinton, and their supporters. 

Sen. Clinton has offered her full throated support for Obama and pledged to “work her heart out for him.” I believe she will. However, his supporters are saying horrible things about her, such as: wishing for herdeath, calling for her impeachment and already blaming her for his loss in November.  In the so-called name of Unity this cannot continue.  It is reprehensible and discourteous. Many Clinton supporters have fond memories of the 1990’s; as do I.

It was a Clinton that gave me the opportunity to go to college at the age of 26. It was a Clinton that created an economy that gave me a great job.  It was a Clinton that gave me the ability to buy a home. It was a Clinton that gave me hope for a better future than my poor rural roots. It was a Clinton that gave me my chance at the American Dream!  It was Hillary Clinton who gave me hope that I could reclaim my American Dream!


When I became disabled in 2005 due to a car accident, I lost my job. I had to choose between health insurance and a home. I wasn’t an irresponsible borrower. My mortgage is $600 a month @ 6.5% fixed. My Health Insurance is $550 a month. I now live with my partner and rent my home to cover the mortgage. It hurts me as a man to not be able to provide for myself.


In 2007 my Life Partner had a job one day, and the next it was gone, the company went bankrupt. He lost his 18 year job, his entire 401k and health insurance in one day!  Fortunately he is a computer geek and got a job about 4 weeks later.  He is starting over at 50. 


Don’t get me wrong, I am truly blessed to have a Life Partner that is helping me get back on my feet.  So many others in Louisiana have lost everything due to Katrina, Rita and the mortgage meltdown.


We both have hope for a better tomorrow. Hope that I will be restored to health, and back to working condition. My partner has hopes to restore his retirement and secure his financial future. We both had hope that Hillary would be the next president. And…WE STILL HAVE HOPE. I know Hillary will continue to fight for us!  It is in her lifeblood and it is her life’s work.


Barack Obama does not give me hope, although he hypes it like the host of a TV shopping channel hawking a faux diamond tennis bracelet.


Thank you for your letter and your appeal for your candidate.  I respectfully decline to answer your appeal and decline to lend my support; nevertheless, I remain a true Democrat.



A BlueDawgDem

Baton Rouge, LA


Say No to BO in ’08 – buy deodorant.